Sunday, August 9, 2015

Play-based Scope and Sequence - THP Giveaway

So many people expressed interest in a Scope and Sequence for A Year of Playing Skillfully (AYPS) that I thought I would give it a shot! Below I provided an example of how I organized the first month, September, which you can receive as a free trial from their website, isn't that fun? [September Free Trial]

And in publishing it I decided there could be no better time for a book giveaway.  Now I realize that most of you who are navigating to this post already own The Homegrown Preschooler - and know how awesome it is - so this is your time to share it with your friends! 

By "Scope and Sequence" I mean a simple outline set up by week that gives a suggestion of what activities to complete together.  I did my best to group activities by a logical theme and order.  If you have purchased the entire curriculum and would like assistance putting together a sequence that works for your family, please feel free to contact me.  I am happy to help.

Click the link or the picture for your own PDF that outlines the first month of AYPS.

A Year of Playing Skillfully

 The Homegrown Preschooler Giveaway

Now for the added bonus - don't have your own copy of The Homegrown Preschooler yet? Leave a comment below telling me why you love Play-Based Learning or a suggestion of how to improve the Scope and Sequence.  I will draw a winner and ship out the book to you in time for the new school year.

As mentioned previously - I typically post our week's lessons here as a reference point for myself and my husband, like this: Week at a Glance.  You are welcome to follow along.  And I am slowly but surely getting back to crafting, sewing, and knitting so a few of those posts will hopefully come along too. Enjoy!


  1. I would love to win a copy to give to my friend who lives 2 blocks down the road from me. She saw my copy and wants to get one for herself. We hope to do many of the activities together.

  2. We love play based learning at our home! They don't even know they are "schooling", yet retain so much from our play! Love it! I love your scope and sequence.

  3. I've been eyeing this up for a little while now so would absolutely love to win a copy! I adore play based learning because of the way it installs a love of learning inherently. Something I hope will be a life long thing! I also think your sequence is really helpful as that's something I always struggle with. I like the format you've presented it in. Thank you!

  4. I feel so overwhelmed so this makes it so nice and I like how all the books that are listed you have kids paired with the coordinating activities.
    I think it will be easy to swap weeks if you don't have a book for that week for all of the supplies for week 3 but not 2 yet
    Thank you so much for this

  5. Play based learning is the best for kids this age! It builds the founation for more structured learning and lets parents and teachers figure out children's learning styles. I've been thinking about her curriculum over the summer and am almost ready to take the leap!

  6. I am excited to get started with YPS with my 2 boys (4 & 2.5)!! I don't have HGP though, and would LOVE to win a copy!

  7. Thanks so much for sharing your hard work with us! I am looking forward to getting started with this for my kiddos! After teaching in public schools and seeing the horribly sad (and quick) decline of play-based learning (as well as an increase in behavior issues and poor student performance), I am even more positive this is the way to go with our own children. Your scope and sequence will really help me plan this year. :)

  8. This looks really good to help with organization and planning. I might include the character trait as well, just for the reminder. My kids are all smiles when we play, so play-based learning is the perfect way for them to explore the world. I would love to win a copy of The Homegrown Preschooler too!

  9. Not sure if my first comment posted. We love play based learning! We 'discovered' it when trying to get our first son to start kindergarten. He was NOT ready for book work and couldn't sit still! He's not in 4th grade, and we still incorporate play based learning. :) We also have a 2nd grader and one starting Kindergarten. Would love a copy of THGP!
