We added a more difficult chart to our Learning Board - the What's the Weather? Chart. There are many out there for printing so I just chose my favorite. We simply focus on if it is Sunny or if it is Raining and will add in the other options later. (Most of the time Lil' Hoot says it is raining even if it's not simply because she loves the rain. Last week she was asking me to make it rain just so she could use an umbrella.)
Here is our guide for the week: Teaching Guide
We had lots of fun with this one. On Monday we were lucky to have puddles left over from Sunday on our trail so we had a little puddle-finding expedition.
On Wednesday the weather got a little cloudy with a few sprinkles so we took the chance to learn about how to dress for the rain.
I'm learning about the types of music that engage Lil' Hoots. Basically, if it doesn't have actions then she hasn't any interest. So we did more "Itsy Bitsy Spider" and "This Little Light of Mine" than any other songs. I had a book from the library to go along with "All Things Bright and Beautiful" which also worked out well.
By Friday Lil' Hoot asked me for "School Time" and even pulled out the books and began 'reading' them on her own before I could even get in the room. As a result that's almost all we did that day, she wanted to read book after book that day so of course I obliged! Her absolute favorite book from this week was the What's the Weather? Fun Flap Book from Scholastic. It was simple and interactive - perfect for keeping her attention. Though she also enjoyed reading all the fiction books that included rain and looking at the pictures in the Sunshine books.
Art Projects for the Week