Whew! It's been a whirlwind at our house. It seems that everything picks up quickly when school starts again, even for those of us that don't have kids in school. We've had extra church events, volunteer events, HOA meetings, semi-annual consignment sales, family visits - you get the point. The good news is that it is forcing us to create more routines and more organization. I finally feel like I'm getting into a groove and wrapping up some loose ends.
One of those loose ends is the room at the end of the hall that will soon belong to Lil Hoot when she's ready to move to a "big" bed. Some months ago I told you that we had started repainting and finally, oh finally, the last coat of wall color is dry. We choose a Tiffany Box Blue(ish), which I think will work nicely with orange and yellow accents yet still remain calming and conducive to sleep. Where you see the bookshelf is intended to be an accent wall. For quite awhile I was planning to paint diamonds or an argyle on that wall. The first attempt at drawing the lines didn't go well and the more I thought about it, the less it seemed like the hard geometric lines really fit Lil Hoot's personality. And since she will be the occupant of this room, shouldn't it be about her?

All this thinking led me to a large mural, at first I was thinking a large monochromatic flower/grass landscape, so it would seem as though her bed (which will be in this corner) is outside. I started searching for some ideas and it dawned on me - what about a large vinyl "mural"? Big Hoot got in on the search and we both really love this
one from
Ginger Jars' shop.

We love how the branches ascend into the ceiling and would drape over her bed. I plan to add a mobile of birds, butterflies, dragonflies, etc. Except...this tree isn't in the budget right now. I've been contemplating the idea of painting a tree instead...perhaps with stamped leaves? Or more abstract - hand prints from the family for leaves? Or we'll just start saving and add this beautiful tree at some point in the future.